Use the rule to judge a small condition. Do me a favor.


HTMLsrc style controls


style background  color style -sharp-sharp-sharp 

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


in order to preserve expansibility, this is probably the way of thinking.

  reserveAttr ,null
  reserveStyle style,null
function formateHtml(str="", reserveAttr=[], reserveStyle=[]){
  return str.replace(/(<[\w|-]+)(.*?)(\/?>)/ig,(...arg)=>arg[1] + arg[2].replace(/([\w|-]+)((=)(['|"])(.*?)(['|"]))?/ig,(...attr)=>!reserveAttr || reserveAttr.includes(attr[1].toLowerCase()) ? (['style'].includes(attr[1].toLowerCase()) ? (attr[1] + attr[3] + attr[4] + attr[5].replace(/([\w|-]+)\s*:[^;]+;?/ig,(>!reserveStyle || reserveStyle.includes(style[1].toLowerCase()) ? style[0] : '') + attr[6]) : attr[0] ) : '') + arg[3]);

var str = `<a> </a><img :src="imgSrc" draggable style="background:red;width:500;color:blue"/><img src="src1" style="color:red;" /><IMG :STYLE="SRC2" /><el-input v-Model="val"></el-input><bb src="bbsrc" disabled >bb</bb>`;
I don't know the answer above

var reg = '/<([A-Za-z]+)[^>]+((class|style|controls)=".*?")([^>]+)?>/g';
str.replace(reg,'<$1 $2>');

$reg = '/<([A-Za-z]+)[^>]+((class|style|controls)=".*?")([^>]+)?>/';
echo htmlspecialchars((preg_replace_callback($reg, function ($matches) {
  return '<' . $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[2] . '>';
}, $str)));

var reg = /style="(?:((?:background|color)[^;"]+;)+)?((?:(?!background|color)[^;"]+;)+)?(?:((?:background|color)[^;"]+;)+)?((?:(?!background|color)[^;"]+;)+)?/g;
  return 'style="'+(arguments[1] || '')+(arguments[3] || '');

, but I think since it's for html, it's better to use dom instead of regular. I always feel that there is a lot of abuse of regularities here
