Classification model, model evaluation index KS in the drawing whether there is a cross is correct?

when I use the real case rate and false positive rate to calculate KS, I find that the two curves will cross, usually see that others do not cross, is my code wrong? Or is that how my data behaves?
this is my picture




from process.unsup_bin import AssignGroup
def cal_ks(rel_y,pre_y,is_plt):
    :param rel_y: 
    :param pre_y:  
    :param cut_number:  0-1
    :return: AUC ks
    bin = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
    data = pd.DataFrame({"rel_y":rel_y,"pre_y":pre_y})
    -sharpsplit probabilt  accout to the cut point
    data["cut_point"] = data["pre_y"].map(lambda x: AssignGroup(x, bin))
    crossfreq = pd.crosstab(data["cut_point"], data["rel_y"] )
    god_ctn = crossfreq.sum()[0] -sharp
    bad_ctn = crossfreq.sum()[1]-sharp
    crossdens =pd.DataFrame()
    crossdens[1]= 1 - crossfreq[1].cumsum(axis=0)/bad_ctn -sharp
    crossdens[0] =1 -  crossfreq[0].cumsum(axis=0)/god_ctn  -sharp
    -sharp crossdens = 1- crossfreq.cumsum(axis=0) / crossfreq.sum()
    crossdens["gap"] = abs(crossdens[1] - crossdens[0])
    ks = crossdens[crossdens["gap"] == crossdens["gap"].max()]
    print([1] + crossdens[1].tolist())
    print( [1] + crossdens[1].tolist()+[0])
    print([0] + crossdens.index.tolist()+[1] )
    if is_plt ==1:
        plt.plot([0] + crossdens.index.tolist()+[1] , [1] + crossdens[1].tolist()+[0], label="TPR")
        plt.plot([0] + crossdens.index.tolist()+[1],  [1] + crossdens[0].tolist()+[0], label="FPR")
    return ks,crossdens