How to pass the props of the sibling component to the request of this component, solve the asynchronous problem of traversing the request within this component, and pass the result of the request to the subcomponent?

    let arran=this.props.shipmmsi;
    let shipmmsiarr=this.kick
    var arr=[];
for(var i in shipmmsiarr){
    // this.setState({//setState
    // shipteampos:arr
    // })


the props.shipmmsi of the sibling component is injected through dispatch, and in this component, it is obtained through the connect method of redux. However, when render is rendered, it will be rendered twice. The shipmmsi will be undefined the first time, and then the injected shipmmsi will be obtained. The props obtained in componentdidmount is an empty array, how to solve the problem that props can not get it in the didmount cycle? I"ve been trying for two days. I haven"t finished it yet. A little confused

the shipmmsi is undefined for the first rendering, and then the injected shipmmsi is obtained.

then add a null value to judge, if (! shipmmsi) return;
