How to jump back to the original page number of the original page on a new page

I look at the details of a row in the X page of page A, which is the new page B. when I click confirm or return on page B, how do I return to the X page of page A.
Page A:
< script >

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("-sharptable_list").bootstrapTable("hideColumn", "roleId");
function viewDetail(id) {     window.location.href="${appServer}/service/purchase/transferPlan/clientConfirmDetail.htm?id="+id;

< / script >
Page button B:

    <div class="footer-btn" v-if="!isView">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-info" v-on:click="submitForm()"></button>
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-info" v-on:click="cancel"></button>
            methods: {
        submitForm: function(){
            var _this = this;
            var isSuccess = this.validatePlan();
            if (!isSuccess){
                return false;
            var planAttach = $(".file-container a:eq(0)");
            if (_this.clientFile && !planAttach.text()){
                return false;
            var index = layer.confirm("", {
                btn: ["",""] //
            }, function(){
            }, function(){
        cancel: function(){    window.location.href="${appServer}/service/purchase/transferPlan/clientConfirmReceiptList.htm";

1, pass the number of pages of page a to page b, and then send it back when returning; add the judgment of the current page to the parameters of page a, and display the specified number of pages when there is no default home page
2. Put the number of pages in localstore, and read this variable

when the list page is loaded. The url of page An is designed as clientConfirmReceiptList.htm?page=1
