How to generate PPT thumbnails automatically?

I have accumulated a lot of PPT templates in recent years. I want to make thumbnails like those PPT template websites . I have searched the Internet for a long time and tried many keywords:

  • PPT generates thumbnails in batches
  • PPT to Picture
  • batch generate PPT thumbnails
  • .

has not found the corresponding method, this can realize the function of PPT length map, but the generated picture is as big as PPT, which takes up too much space.


the code found may have to be changed by yourself.

''  PowerPoint 
Dim wShell, pptApp, fso, folder, file, slide, outFile
Set wShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(wShell.CurrentDirectory)
Set fso = Nothing
''  PowerPoint 
Set pptApp = WScript.CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
For Each file in folder.Files
  ''  ppt PowerPoint  pps, pptx 
  If UCase(Mid(file.Name, InstrRev(file.Name, ".") + 1)) = "PPT" Then 
'    MsgBox(file.Name)
    outFile = Trim(Left(file.Path, InStrRev(file.Path, ".") - 1)) & ".jpg"
'    MsgBox(outFile)
    pptApp.Presentations.Open file.Path
    Set slide = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
'     For Each slide in pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides.Range(1)
        '' Export(String FileName, String FilterName, Long ScaleWidth, Long ScaleHeight)
        '' FilterName  gif, jpg, png, bmp, wmf, tif 
        slide.Export outFile, "jpg", 320, 240
'     Next
  End If
''  PowerPoint 
Set pptApp = Nothing
Set wShell = Nothing

original text: the page mentioned in
can't be opened. It's a pity
