There is a problem with the introduction of element-ui components into the vue project

build a project with vue scaffolding. After visiting the home page successfully in 8080, you want to continue to introduce the element-ui file, and the page reports an error (the error message is the following figure). I don"t know which side has gone wrong. The way to introduce it is to create a new test.vue under the components folder, paste the control code into it for a period of time, and then introduce it in app.vue, and main.js has also done the corresponding configuration

import ElementUI from "element-ui"
import "element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css"


Component template should contain exactly one root element

the error message has been made clear that there can only be one root node, unless v-if and v-else-if are used.

you can change it a little bit. Put two div in one div:

        <!-- some code -->