I packaged the front end into an exe application using electron; but anything with a http request could not be displayed. Has a boss ever used electron? ask for an answer.

problem description

I used electron to package the front end into an exe application; but anything with a http request can"t be displayed. Have any bosses ever used electron? ask for answers

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

use npm install electron- g and npm install electron-package-g;
static resources can be displayed normally, but the data requested from the background using ajax or axios is not displayed

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

I hope that after the previous code is packaged with electron under the guidance of the boss, the data requested by ajax or axios can be displayed


    Is there an error message in the
  1. console?
  2. Is the absolute path or relative path used by
  3. ?
  4. In

Electron documents, it is recommended not to use ajax requests at the front end, but directly use node requests on the server side, and then use ipcMain, win.webContents.send, and ipcRenderer to communicate with data
