problem description
how to send a long socket link to a remote server with workerman as a client under thinkphp
the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried
there is no AsyncTcpConnection class in server encapsulated by thinkphp5.1
related codes
/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
/ *
- Worker Controller extension Class
* /
abstract class Server
protected $worker;
protected $socket = "";
protected $protocol = "http";
protected $host = "";
protected $port = "2346";
protected $option = [];
protected $context = [];
protected $event = ["onWorkerStart", "onConnect", "onMessage", "onClose", "onError", "onBufferFull", "onBufferDrain", "onWorkerReload", "onWebSocketConnect"];
what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
how can I call the AsyncTcpConnection class to send a remote link as a client
need to maintain a persistent connection