Is cPP as difficult as it is said? Apart from the tedious, what is the difficulty?

I have been using GOLANG ES6 for the last two years, and I have written PHP for a few years before. I have studied C-sharp, C, but seldom;
am I hesitant to learn CPP now?

CPP has read CPP PRIME, so that"s what it feels like. After reading the rookie tutorial CPP today, I finished it smoothly in a few hours, because it is almost the same as some parts of other languages.
I feel that I can start in 1 week, and then summarize the standard library and so on. I can write the project in a month.

read a lot of articles in which CPP is too difficult, and I am confused. Excuse me, what is the difficulty? In theory, how long does it take for other language programmers to master?

The difficulty of

lies in understanding the CPP syntax mechanism. For example, you can take a look at this discussion .
