CentOS7+JDK8+Tomcat9:Tomcat9 shows that it runs successfully, but cannot get to the default page.

  1. CentOS7+JDK8+Tomcat9:Tomcat9 shows that it is running successfully, but cannot enter the default page
  2. and will report an error at the end of the tomcat run, as shown in figure

[root@10-9-90-6 jdk1.8.0_192]-sharp ps -ef|grep tomcat
root 1624 1216 0 15:18 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto tomcat



1. It feels like there is something wrong with the jre in your JDK . It is recommended to download it again to Oracle java .
2. See the Tomcat9 requirements for the JDK version.

you can take a look at the log and the startup log in tomcat's catalina to see if there is any further information
