Direction 1: understand the tools at hand from shallow to deep.
Direction 2: fully understand the technology stack.
basic technology: HTML / CSS / JavaScript
CSS frameworks and libraries: such as Bootstrap, but as projects grow in size, they generally have their own CSS framework. In Kurder's words, there are famous ones such as font-awesome.
JavaScript frameworks and libraries: traditional DOM operating frameworks, such as jQuery, and now popular MV* frameworks, such as Angular / Backbone / Ember / React. Library, such as commonly used broadcast libraries, various modal pop-up libraries, etc.
Auxiliary tools and technologies: mainly used in development and deployment, such as Gulp / Grunt / Webpack tools and their plug-ins commonly used in development. These tools help start the Web server, compress confused CSS / JavaScript files, package files, etc., as well as preprocessing languages such as CSS (Stylus / LESS / SASS), JavaScript translation languages or tools (bable / CoffeeScript / TypeScript), template engines (Jade / EJS / artTemplate)
Local application development, such as NW.js / Electron for desktop application development, React Native / Ionic for mobile application development