How to solve the exchange rate problem of RMB to foreign currency before PayPal payment?

there is an e-commerce platform that mainly displays the price in RMB, and then connects to overseas payment PayPal, but PayPal does not support RMB as unit settlement, so you need to convert RMB into the corresponding foreign currency amount at the current exchange rate before sending it to PayPal for payment. But the exchange rate changes every minute, so you need to use a real-time interface to request a third party to get it.
but at present, the exchange rate interfaces on the market are upgraded to use the formal exchange rate interface. So far, is there any other way to solve the exchange rate problem?
that is to say, either there is a free and open third-party exchange rate API for , or you can just let the PayPal exchange rate change without changing the exchange rate.
hopes to get an answer.


our company also uses payapl for settlement, there are the following methods
1. Use paypal settlement if the settlement currency is not supported PAYPAL will be automatically converted into US dollars for settlement, using this way of reconciliation is not very friendly (because the conversion rate is not controllable)
2. Fix the exchange rate and set a reasonable benchmark exchange rate. For example, our exchange rate of RMB to US dollar is fixed at 6. 1
3. Update the exchange rate regularly through the crawler (there are certain legal risks), such as
1) Jet Exchange data. Currently, the data is encrypted, but the front-end encryption can be cracked.
2) to climb the exchange rate documents of some well-known foreign trade websites, gearbest
considering the stability of the system, you'd better save one by yourself, and monitor exchange rate fluctuations and check them manually if you are abnormal, otherwise the exchange rate will lose a lot

paypal is not clear. The foreign currency exchange rate of the bank should be calculated by itself

for the sake of safety, it can be adjusted by the background.
can also be obtained using a third-party charging interface, but for security reasons, the administrator should be notified to confirm each time a new exchange rate is obtained.

A few years ago, we made paypal payments. At that time, our plan was for crontab to climb Yahoo's exchange rate every minute, display it in real time on the payment page, and convert it according to the current exchange rate when placing an order


solution to the exchange rate problem:
1. Access to the API interface of the third party exchange rate: (charge for normal use)
(1) aggregate data:


(2) nowapi:

:3/50: appkey/sign

2. Directly call the third-party API to obtain
(1) Cainiao exchange rate net:


(2) Real-time exchange rate network:


advantages: the interface has data to request, free
disadvantages: the reliability of the interface cannot be guaranteed

3. Write crawlers regularly crawl professional websites to get exchange rate back storage
(1) crawl Sina Finance and Economics:
(2) crawl Bank of China: http://
(3) crawl Oriental Wealth website:
(4) ECB website crawl:

4. Other solutions:
(1) add one more HKD to the fare
advantages: no consideration of exchange rate, direct pricing and payment
disadvantages: need to develop backstage filling function, plus too much data, troublesome processing

(2) the exchange rate needs to be filled in manually every morning
advantages: do not consider the third-party exchange rate problem
disadvantages: the amount of payment will not be able to fluctuate with the exchange rate, customers may have opinions

personal opinion:
you can choose method 2, and the two methods can be used together. If 2 (1) cannot request to obtain the exchange rate, request 2 (2). If you cannot get it, you cannot use this method to pay.
key point: after obtaining the exchange rate, you can cache it for a period of time. Solve the problem that if neither 2 (1) nor 2 (2) can get the exchange rate, the cache can only be cached. If neither of the caches can get the value, you can only indicate that the payment cannot be used.
then consider the scheme of 3. Finally, consider 4 (1).
