Vba MSXML does not work properly on window xp

problem description

this is my VBA code. The main thing is to create an object and upload the data to the Internet. There is no problem on window10, but when I run on Window XP, I find that although he does not have error, he does not respond. Originally, when I finished running this code, there should be a web page to upload, but in window xp I just open my desktop.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

I thought it was window xp"s dll without msxml, but I found that xp has its own msxml 3 and 6.

runnable platforms Window 10 and Office 2016
cannot run platforms Window XP and Office 2003

related codes

Private Function myPostData(ByVal strURL As String, ByVal strMimeType As String, ByVal 
strBody As String, Optional ByRef strErr As String = "") As String
On Error GoTo Err_myPostData
Dim objHttpRequest As Object, intCount As Integer, blnCancel As Boolean, intCounter As 
Set objHttpRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

objHttpRequest.setTimeouts 150000, 150000, 300000, 300000
objHttpRequest.Open "POST", strURL, True
objHttpRequest.send strBody

Do While objHttpRequest.ReadyState <> 4
For intCount = 1 To 500
    If intCount = 500 Then
        If blnCancel Then Exit Do
    End If
Next intCount
myPostData = objHttpRequest.responseText
Set objHttpRequest = Nothing
Exit Function
strErr = Err.Description
Resume Exit_myPostData
End Function
