Is there any front-end component that can write rules engine rules?

rules are those that have all kinds of complex logical relationships, such as

(number of IP requests > 100 or user registration time < 3 days)
and historical order < 3
or user UID exists in blacklist

risk level = 10


according to your question, do you want to write a component and make an engine rule for your business?
in fact, components can be roughly divided into three categories:

  1. regular page component, each page generated by vue-router is essentially a component (.vue), which mainly carries the HTML structure of the current page, including data acquisition, data collation, data visualization and other routine business.
  2. functional abstract components that do not include business, stand-alone, functional basic components, such as date selectors, pop-up warnings, etc. As the basic control of the project, this kind of component will be widely used, so the API of the component is too strongly abstracted, and different functions can be achieved through different configurations.
  3. Business components, unlike the second type of independent components, which contain only a function, are reused by multiple pages in the business. The difference between business components and independent components is that business components are only used in the current project, are not universal, and contain some services, such as data requests. The independent component does not contain business and can be used in any project, with a single function, such as an input box with data verification function.

data such as the number of IP requests, user registration time, historical orders and so on are required to be obtained by backend data requests. You can encapsulate them in this component to form a separate business component.

Thank you for adopting! (if there is any inappropriate answer, please point out)

this can be a fixed form component, including input items (input box, drop-down selection) and type (or, and, any, all), etc., and then can be called. The data is sent to the back end in JSON format, similar to your Chinese description.
