Can I use nodejs to run C-sharp 's dll file under mac os system?

company needed to build a middle tier of servers, so we used Node"s express framework. Previously, they used the edge plug-in in npm under windows to enable nodejs to run c-sharp "s dll files, but I couldn"t use mac"s system.

this means that I don"t have this method in my edge, but there is no error in windows. I wonder if it is because the platform is different and the files introduced by edge are different, resulting in an error. But the edge document says that it supports osx system, so I would like to ask if it is really my system problem? If so, can I use other plug-ins without changing the system? And I think logically, it should also be supported.

should be your DLL compilation problem, in order to cross-platform you should compile in CoreCLR.
