In iview, how to configure and encapsulate axios, and how to call it?

I don"t quite understand the default util.js configuration. I just got in touch with iview.

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const ajaxUrl = ""
the ajax prefix
util.ajax = axios.create ({baseURL: ajaxUrl,timeout: 30000}) is configured here, and
axios is configured here, how to call it?
now I am directly modifying the vue prototype chain. I feel that this is not the original intention of the iview author. I want to know how to call it.
axios.defaults.baseURL = ajaxUrl;
Vue.prototype.$ajax = axios;

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and how to encapsulate it in the util.js file?


after groping for a few days, I basically know how to use it, and I throw a brick to attract jade here.

configure ajaxUrl, prefix address

const ajaxUrl = env === 'development' ?
    '' ://
    env === 'production' ?
    '' ://

ternary selector, configured in build/env.js

export default "development";//developmentproduction

configure parameters in util.ajax

util.ajax = axios.create({
    baseURL: ajaxUrl,//
    timeout: 30000,//
    headers: {//
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8"

introduce qs into the util.js file

import qs from 'qs';

create your own method in util.js, take post as an example = function (url, data) {
    return util.ajax({
        method: 'post',//
        data:qs.stringify(data,{ arrayFormat: "repeat" })//qs
    .then(response => {//
        return response;
    .catch(error => {//
        return error;

introduce util.js in the components you need to use.

import util from "../../../libs/util.js";

just use it directly"url",{
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {

if you have a better package or use, please do not hesitate to give us your advice, and please pat the passing god.

good, learn
