Can VUE child components assign values to the data in the parent components directly by passing values to the parent components?

this.$emit ("tofalse",false)
how to directly assign status to false in the parent component

  data () {
    return {

be assigned without function?
@ tofalse= "status=false" not allowed


try within the parent component:

@tofalse="status => this.status = status"

feels similar to this ide/components.html-sharpsync-%E4%BF%AE%E9%A5%B0%E7%AC%A6" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> .sync syntax candy, which can be assigned directly
< comp: foo=" bar "@ update:foo=" val = > bar = val "> < / comp > , which is simpler.

you can call the method of the parent component in the child component, can't you modify the value of the parent component in the method of the parent component?

this.$parent.status = false; / / not recommended
