You are welcome to give us your comments on the choice of Redux and Mobx.

selection of Redux and Mobx


happens to be used recently. Let's talk about my understanding. Please correct it. The most important concepts in
redux are state , reducer , action . Data can be modified through different action of dispatch, and state data can be transferred between components through mapStatetoProps,mapDispatchToProps . It gives people the impression that it is rational, maintainable and logical, but it is expensive to use small projects. It could have been achieved simply by going around a few bends, using recommendations in large projects,
and the core concept of mobx, observerable,observer,store . Creating observerable, in store, that is, observed data, can be used in any component (transmitted through react context), and the data in store can be modified directly. Unlike the new state,mobx returned by redux, it is recommended to use action operation. Generally speaking, mobx is simple and easy to use. But passing store through context reduces the reusability of components
