How do you automatically complete the name of the method you want to overwrite based on the approximate name in XCode?

1. When I first came into contact with xcode, I can"t remember such a long method name when I want to overwrite a method. For example, when I use UITabelView, if I want to overwrite-(NSInteger) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView numberOfRowsInSection: (NSInteger) section: (NSInteger) section, I can only remember the approximate numberofrowinsection,. In this case, is there any way for xcode to automatically complete the name of the method I want?
(like code- > overwrite- > in androidStudio automatically lists the names of methods that can be overridden, which I just need to select)
2 when I type numb directly, xcode does not prompt me for the method I want


< UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource >
find out.
