The problem with js setting scroll bar

I want to achieve such an effect. I have a lot of groups of radio boxes on my page with a submit button at the bottom. When I click this button, I can determine which group of radio boxes are not selected and let the scroll bar scroll to this group of boxes here. Is there any good way to solve the problem that my writing doesn"t work
< li vMube for= "(item,index) in val.optionss" ref="lis" >

     <input type="radio" :name="val.issueId" :id="item.optionsId" :value="item.optionsId" v-model="checkedId[idx]">
     <label :for="item.optionsId"></label><span>{{item.optionsContent}}</span>

for (let i = 0; I < this.questionList.length; iPP) {

    if(!this.checkedId[i]) {
      this.noSelect = i;
      document.body.scrollTop = this.$refs.lis[i].offsetTop + this.$refs.lis[i].offsetHeight * i 
      document.documentElement.scrollTop = this.$refs.lis[i].offsetTop  + this.$refs.lis[i].offsetHeight  * i


this can be considered. If the compatibility is relatively loose, ~
