Why is it that some of the vue source code is added through the Vue.prototype.fun method, and some are directly added by Vue.fun?


I am confused when I read the vue source code for the first time today.


thanks for medicine

function  Obj(){

var c=new Obj()

subcomponents (classes) can inherit methods of parent components (classes) through prototype, while directly defined methods cannot be used in subcomponents

you can think of Vue as a class (that is, class Vue {} in ES6 or function Vue () {} in ES5).

In the

figure, Vue.use is the class method of Vue , that is, the method called directly through Vue.use () . This method is used to extend the plug-ins of Vue . If you want to use some plug-ins in the project, such as Element UI , you need to introduce them through this method.

and the method defined by Vue.pototype.fun is a method used within a Vue component, that is, if you want to use the method fun , you need to call it within the component defined with Vue , not directly using Vue.fun .

the difference between static methods and instance methods. Vue.prototype.fun is the add instance method, and Vue.fun is the add static method.

is the difference between class methods and instance methods
