Mini Program will forward a page of Mini Program to a friend has been unable to open, has been packed several times?

Mini Program forwarded a page of Mini Program to a friend, and the friend clicked it and kept popping up to indicate that the development board Mini Program has expired. How is it that you have re-scanned the code in the development tool? it has been packaged several times?

sweep the development version of the QR code to your friends. Click on the forwarding page

first, your friend must have the permission to develop Mini Program, which can be configured on Mini Program's operating platform. Second, the local development version generally has an expiration time limit of about one to two hours. The main reason is that your friend must have the development permission to see the development version

to see if the path to forward code is correct, and don't lose the number of letters in page/pages.

your friend should be in the development version now, and your friend doesn't have the development permission of Mini Program, so he can't use the development version
