idea maven profile has an extra developer. I don"t have this thing in my code. I deleted all the profile in pom. Do you still know what"s going on
idea maven profile has an extra developer. I don"t have this thing in my code. I deleted all the profile in pom. Do you still know what"s going on
that's because your maven settings.xml contains
< profile >
< id > developer < / id >
< profile >
I run a springboot project Run Configuration configuration is shown above, and parameter is -X-pl com.nan:web-am clean package-Dmaven.test.skip=true-Poffice after running, the result is: Connected to the target VM, address: transport...
I built a multi-module project with maven directory results are shown in figure applicationContext-dao.xmlclasspathresources conf ...
problem description I hope the boss will explain more clearly, I am a rookie the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what...