How to write complex iView table columns?

how can the key, of the columns data of Table of

iView be the data under the object?

I mean:

  columns8: [
                "title": "Name",
                "key": "name",
                "fixed": "left",
                "width": 200
                "title": "Show",
                "key": "show",
                "width": 150,
                "sortable": true,

generally speaking, this key is a string, like above.
when passing data, we pass the data, of table like this:

<table :data=data_list>                

data_list is as follows:

        name: "a",
        show: "hello a",
        name: "b",
        show: "hello b",
        name: "c",
        show: "hello c",

however, I have a requirement:

if data_list is like this:

        name: "a",
        obj: { show: "hello a", }
        name: "b",
        obj: { show: "hello b", }
        name: "c",
        obj: { show: "hello c", }

how should I write the columns of table?


the format needed to convert the data into iview's table

use the render function,

    title: 'Show',
    key: 'Show',
    align: 'center',
    render: (h, params) =>