Using element-ui pop-up box (dialog), page will wobble, what is the reason?

what is the reason for the jitter in the pop-up box (dialog), page using element-ui?

maybe there is a scroll bar on the page.

there is no scroll bar on the page before clicking, but there is a scroll bar on the page after the pop-up box appears.

find the node where the scroll bar appears and style overflow: hidden;. According to my experience, the node with scroll bar is most likely to be the mask node of dialog.

your situation is because the dialog content is too large to support the browser, and it would be nice to adjust the position of the overall dialog to a little bit. His dialog component should not be able to change the api, of position. Css

should be a scrollbar problem, and there are still flaws in interaction optimization.

my case is: when dialog appears, the right side of the page shrinks by 5px, which looks like a jitter as the landlord said. Then I looked at the style of the page and found that body had more styles, padding-right:5px and overflow: hidden.
, and then I set the padding-right:0! important of body globally!

has the landlord solved it? my landlord has no scroll bar

has the landlord solved it
