this is the code for weaving dream list page to call paging
{dede:list pagesize="8" }
<li class="do-element-media-li " ><a href="[field:url/]" target="_blank">
<div class="do-title do-html-content">
<div class="do-title-body">
<div class="do-title-content do-html-content">
<div class="do-html-content title js-toclamp" data-clampnum="1">
<div class="do-html-content des">
<p class="js-toclamp" data-clampnum="3">
[field:description function="cn_substr(@me,500)"/]
<p class="do-time">
<span>:</span> [field:pubdate function="GetDateTimeMK(@me)"/]
<div class="do-pagination">
<ul class="do-pagination-ul">
{dede:pagelist listitem="info,pre,next,pageno" listsize="3"/}
this is the generation path of the classification list set in the background
What"s the problem with
? (the correct path should be http://localhost/xinwen/news/list_13_2.html