What's going on with vue component communication, (element)?

Front-end beginners, recently learned vue, but component communication part I don"t understand

components are orphaned instances, that is, when < student > is introduced into the vue root instance or the parent component
, you cannot bind the element properties of the child component tags, v-if v-model v-for v-on, other properties, etc., to the data methods of the
root instance, and so on. Am I right?

but I have seen some examples on the Internet. For example, element ui often appears directly in child components such as < el-button >
VMI model = "parent component data" vMuon method Cilck= "parent component method"

do I understand it wrong?


read the document, did not look at the source code, basically understand

those ui and examples still use prop and custom events

but because I took out the component directly and omitted the source code, I didn't understand

binding parent components data and methods are the same.

either the child component defines a prop and then bind:prop= the "parent data" in the child component tag.

either when the sub-component is defined (registered), the method, of the on:click= sub-component in the template first this method will emit a custom event.
then when we use the child component tag, we can directly on: the custom event = "parent method


both methods can achieve bi-directional binding

as for v-model is a grammatical sugar, it is actually a combination of v:bind prop and v-on

the most basic: emit up; prop downloads!

using vux is equivalent to the existence of store, in React's Redux at the top of the application. Can be received by any of the following components.
