Ubuntu after installing gitlab, the css file cannot be loaded

after Ubuntu installs gitlab, the css style of the interface cannot be loaded when accessed by the browser;
View the required files under the / opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/assets folder;


tried to modify the three gitlab.rb,wikis_controller.rb,gitlab.yml configuration files;
after modifying the configuration file, restart the configuration and restart gitlab;
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo gitlab-ctl restart

No errors were reported during startup; however, css still cannot be loaded. Which file should be configured?


seems to have encountered not many people, and the virtual machine with this problem has been deleted, so it cannot be reinstalled again, using
http://packages.gitlab.cc/ins. | sudo bash was successfully installed. Why did this problem occur in the first installation? I'll add it when we meet again.
