backstage, give me a judgment type_name is divided into car dealers and models, car models take car_title, car dealers take title. Could you tell me how to judge in curly braces?
this is what I wrote, and I will report an error:
<span class="person_name">{{item.type_name == ""item.title:item.type_name == "" ? item.car_title:""}}</span>
< H6 > this is the data returned by the background: < / H6 >
"id": 3,
"uid": 1,
"type_id": 2,
"relation_id": 1,
"create_time": "20180425 21:40",
"car_title": null,
"car_content": null,
"car_pic": null,
"title": "",
"type_name": ""