Why 1969?
I can answer the question first cookie
is not expired.
it's just that its save time is a session cycle (session), temporary Cookie, will not be persisted, that is, when you close your browser, the cookie will disappear.
Why the time the subject sees is 1969xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
is of course out of date. You document.cookie can't get this
< del > has expired. I wonder what time it is. The minimum time for reasoning is 1970-01-01
, that is, 1970-01-01T08:00:00
. < / del >
answer is wrong. See Mars Pastoral Dog
, this is a UTC standard time, the unix timestamp starts from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, which is also the starting time when we calculate the timestamp. console.log (new Date ('1969-12-31T23). GetTime ()); 59.000Z'). GetTime ());
this value is-1000 Lindsay for 1 second, which is an idiomatic expression and is used to express the meaning of past time.