When using the cordova-plugin-image-picker plug-in, the picture is not displayed on the iOS side

1. After installing the plug-in, the corresponding method is called, which is not displayed on the iOS side, and an error such as "Not allowed to load local resource: file:/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/48F48A60-A3B7-4654-B49B-CB08B378192A/tmp/cdv_photo_007.jpg" is prompted according to debugging on safari.
2. According to the relevant methods of relevant tips on the Internet, the relevant whitelist configuration has been made in config.xml as follows:

configured as follows in index.html: < meta http-equiv= "Content-Security-Policy" content= "img-src * "self" data: blob: cdvphotolibrary: filesystem: cdvfile:" >. But the problem is still unsolved, which great god asks for advice.
3. The related code is as follows:
js: window.imagePicker.getPictures (

    function(results) {
      $scope.imageArr = results;
    }, function (error) {
      console.log(": " + error);
      maximumImagesCount: 9,

html: < div class= "item" ng-repeat= "image in imageArr" >

    <img ng-src="{{image}}" style="width: 120px;height: 120px;margin-left:calc(50% - 60px);"/>

have you solved this problem
