1. There are two problems:
(1) the breakpoint is set, but the console window flashes when debugging, and the subsystem in the linker option has been selected as the console, and the platform is set to all platforms;
(2) when generating project, the output window report: "warning LNK4258: instruction" / ENTRY:main@0 "is not compatible with the switch" / ENTRY:main "; Ignored ", LNK4258 could not find the relevant information in" docs.microsoft.com ", and bing could not find it (switched to the international version).
my code is as follows:
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
main proc
mov eax,5 ;
add eax,6
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
end main
3, novice here, the question is stupid, please forgive me, thank you very much.