If buttton is in the a tag, how can you click button without punishing the event bound by the a tag?

I write button in the a tag, so clicking button will automatically trigger the event bound by the outer a tag. Is there any way not to trigger it?

<a href="-sharp" show-id="15">
    <div class="online-top">
        <div class="top-at">
            <img src="/static/images/user.jpg" class="img-responsive">
        <div class="top-on">
            <div class="top-on1">

<span></span> </div> <button class="round btn btn-danger btn-md del-btn" del-id="15"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </a>

ask for advice, thank you.
