webpack.config.js configuration:
webpack.config.js configuration:
path is not right, public/dist/bundle.js
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webpack.config.js entry : { resume : . src js index.js }, output : { filename : js [name].js , path: __dirname + dist }, module : { rules : [ { test : .less , use : extractTextWebpackPlugin...
I use tomcat as a backend server. The port is 8080. I don t want to modify this. I want to modify the port of webpack Server. I checked a lot on the Internet, all saying . devServer{ host:...., port:.... } but I tried but failed? Webpack is a nov...
when webpack-dev-server is saved, the terminal has a message to update, but the browser does not refresh, so it needs to be refreshed manually. In addition, css is effective, and the js introduced on the page does not take effect. Check the packaged fil...