Vue-cli+element-ui can't get out on the ie9 page.

as mentioned, I have already introduced polyfill into webpack.base.config, but I am afraid that it is not enough to quote

in the entry file.
// webpack.base.conf.js
entry: {
    index: ["babel-polyfill", "eventsource-polyfill", "./src/apps/Index/main.js"],
    portrait: ["babel-polyfill", "eventsource-polyfill", "./src/apps/Portrait/main.js"],
    mannequin: ["babel-polyfill", "eventsource-polyfill", "./src/apps/Mannequin/main.js"],
    diagnosis: ["babel-polyfill", "eventsource-polyfill", "./src/apps/Diagnosis/main.js"]

// main.js
import "babel-polyfill"
import Vue from "vue"
import VueRouter from "vue-router"
import Vuex from "vuex"

but there is still an error in ie
one is that script1004: is missing";"
another is that script5007: cannot get the undefined or null referenced attribute "call"

Baidu has tried other methods, such as transform-es2015-classes and transform-proto-to-assign did not solve the problem.

add that the local code localhost has no problem opening ie. The code deployed on the server after build will report an error


ask the same question as you. If you have solved it, please tell me that my qq is: 2607695940 Thank you!

install babel-polyfill and introduce:

in App.uve
import "babel-polyfill";
export default {
  name: "app"

I also have this problem, have you solved it? Could you let me know if it is settled, thank you QQ:547622766
