How does vscode start webpack for packaging?

how does vscode start webpack packaging?
actually I want to debug webpack (not the webpack project, but webpack itself). I want to see how webpack works, that is, I make breakpoints in the node_modules/_webpack@1.13.3@webpack/bin/webpack.js file and wait for debugging!
npm startup of vscode has been tried. The configuration is as follows:

            "type": "node",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch via NPM",
            "runtimeExecutable": "npm",
            "runtimeArgs": [
            "port": 9229

but he always says, "unable to connect to a running process, will time out in 10000 milliseconds."
I can also use node node_modules/_webpack@1.13.3@webpack/bin/webpack.js to start directly, he will enter the breakpoint, but can not add "--config. / build/webpack.config.js" configuration parameter! Running bin/webpack.js directly on the command line-- config. / build/webpack.config.js is OK, but vscode (node environment startup is not npm startup)-- config. / build/webpack.config.js

has not been reported.