what do I need to do to adapt the div width of the middle input? Is there any good way to do this without knowing the total width
<header class="header-div">
<div class="header-top">
<div class="header-img">
<img src="../../static/position.png" alt="" style="margin-top: -5px">
<div class="header-img">
<img src="../../static/searrch.png" alt="">
<input type="text" placeholder="">
<div class="header-img">
<img src="../../static/email.png" alt="" >
I set the width of both sides as rem, so I don"t know exactly how much it is
./*** rem scss ***/
@function px2rem($px, $base-font-size: 75px) {
@return ($px / $base-font-size) * 1rem;
/*** rem end ***/
.div {
width: px2rem(40px);
height: px2rem(40px);
I can"t always set the width for the middle div
width: calc(100% - px2rem(XXX));
ask everyone to take a look at it for me