
what is the event property of switching tab when using angularjs2-tabs?
< tabs >

<tab tabTitle="AAA">Content for Tab 1</tab>
<tab tabTitle="BBB">Content for Tab 2</tab>

< / tabs >
I tried (click), which triggered, (select) when I clicked on something on the tab page, not an event.
ask all the gods to help. Thank you

The name

angularjs2 makes me a little confused. Gayhub has been searched for a lot of things, so you'd better go directly to the author to mention issue.

if you choose a ui library, you'd better choose a library with rich features and extensive use. This library was last updated a year ago, and there is no demo or document address, so the author thinks that the author is a library that is used for practice and is not ready for long-term maintenance


if you still plan to use it, you might as well add your own toggle code to mention PR, to the author or simply bring it over and change it yourself.

< tabs (click) = "selectTab (tab.selected)" >
selectTab (value: string): void {

< tabs >
