the company requires ionic to package APK after decompression, the js code under assets (itself has been confused) is required not to be seen, is there any further way to deal with it?
the company requires ionic to package APK after decompression, the js code under assets (itself has been confused) is required not to be seen, is there any further way to deal with it?
after ionic is packaged, it should be compressed and confused with UglifyJS. Without sourceMap, the code cannot be restored. No one else can understand it.
I used Ionic3 to make a mobile hybrid app, and now I want to click the button to pop up a separate page. I use modals to achieve it. created the page using Ionic3 CLI:ionic g page details, where details is the page I want to pop up. then in the place ...
import { Component } from @angular core ; import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from ionic-angular ; import { WebView } from @ionic-native ionic-webview ngx ; ** * Generated class for the ShopPage page. * * See https: ionicframew...