Mongodb data structure of some questions boss please come in!

first contact with nosql
there are some questions about the table structure
such as designing a game user table
should the user"s backpack be included in the user table or create a separate table?

//  user
    _id: "",
    name: "",
    email: "",
    backpack: [
            // 1
            // 2
//  user
    _id: "",
    name: "",
    email: "",

    _id: "",
    user_id: "",

solve! Thank you!


this is a simple data problem, involving the database.
personal advice is to set up separately and associate through foreign key constraints.

can be nested in the user table:

backpack: {
    'backpack_color': 'white'

like this, if the number is increasing, consider the index:
is to create a table separately, and then put it in the user table in the id that references the knapsack table


this question should be considered like this:
the number and attributes of your backpack are certain, and you are an individual. It can also be used in other places, not just for users: this is about creating a knapsack table that has nothing to do with the user


then your user is also a separate individual, and you should also create a separate user table

then you have a many-to-many relationship between the user and the backpack, so all you have to do is create a table associated with the user's backpack in


in this case, you don't need to update the tables of users and backpacks frequently, you just need to pay attention to the associated tables to add, delete and modify
