Why is the method written by yourself modified to the data returned by the background?

      .get("/api/http/shop/searchShop.jhtml", {
        params: {
          shopId: src[5]
      .then(function(response) { 
    // console.log(response);

    self.detailForm = response.data.result;

    self.detailForm.phone  = Utils.iphoneSymbol(self.detailForm.phone);




should be a problem of deep and shallow copies, and then learn about the problems of reference types and basic types

points to the same data source

self.detailForm is not a variable, so the data it points to is response.data.result.
self.detailForm.phone is formatted here equals response.data.result.phone is formatted

js has such a feature, if you assign a value b to a variable and the value is an object literal such as {key:100}, then you modify the key property of the assigned variable a, then b will change accordingly, but if you assign a value c, then b will not change. Complex type data variables are essentially pointers. If you modify the internal properties of the variable, you will directly modify the value in memory that the pointer points to, so another value that also points to that address will change. But if you re-assign the value, then the variable a will re-point to another address, that's all. Note that the basic type is not a pointer
