Can vue-router return data to generate routing information at the back end?

it"s too inelegant and difficult to maintain all routes written in front-end code. If you want to store all the routing information in the database, use the back-end return data to dynamically generate the front-end route.

example code is as follows:
where routesData is the parameter instantiated by routing new Router

for (let i of data) {`````
    every = {
        path: i["path"],
        name: i["name"],
        component: () => import(i["src"]),

but the above idea can not be realized, check the reason, import does not seem to support variables, broken eggs.
I do not know if my idea can be realized, is there a boss to solve the problem?

just read the Big Boss's article hand-touch, take you to use vue to do background Series 2 (login permissions section)

there is no special need to honestly write the route to the front end. If you write it into the interface, you will make trouble with yourself.
