Anaconda Ghost changes python environment

os x system, just contacted python. I have been using jupyter in anaconda to learn python,. Today, I suddenly had a frenzy and couldn"t open jupyter.

which python,python2.7python3.6

I also activated this environment at the terminal. I was very happy, but every time I opened the terminal, I had to reactivate it, and every time I opened anaconda, I had to choose the environment again.

is there any way to restore my terminal and anaconda to the previous python3.6 version? thank you for asking for help.


never encountered this problem. According to the error, I found this: You can try

add anaconda to environment variables, such as my (zsh)

export PATH=/Users//anaconda/bin:$PATH

if you use bash, you have to check how to add your environment variables

I edit / etc/paths directly, adding / usr/local/anaconda3/bin .
look at this: Get your anaconda ready with brew install
