I want to use ajax to do nothing and simply refresh the div of a page.

now I have a webcast plug-in that usually displays normally, but I can"t adapt to it when I click the fold button on the left sidebar, but I can just press F12


I want to initialize and refresh this carousel plugin every time I click the Sidebar fold button

who knows, with ajax or other methods, how should I achieve the adaptation of clicks, buttons, and rotational broadcasts?

when I use this method, I can only load the picture into div, and the js effect will be lost, and there will be a lot of errors:

 $(document).ready(function () {
                    $(function () {
                        $("-sharpimgsx").bind("click", function () {
                            var $this = $(this);
                                // .html("<img src="Images/Loading.gif" alt=""/>")
                                .load("bar.html", function () {
                                    // alert("Load was performed.");
                                    $(".rsTmb").css("width", "100%");
                                    $(".rsImg").css("width", "100%");
                                    // $this.attr("disabled", "true");


  1. there are so many webcast plug-ins, it would be nice to change to one that is easy to use.
  2. there is a refresh method for general carousel components. Check the documents and refresh them when there are changes.

Vue binds a data model directly and easily

1. What does it mean to click on the left sidebar? You
2. Ajax is mostly used for CMARS interaction, which is only a front-end issue, and ajax is not discussed.
3. I want to know why the sidebar and the picture are still in the same zMel index since I want to do the sidebar. Why the sidebar has an impact on the picture layer. The floating sidebar will not affect the scroll chart at all
