Ionic will fall back on ios

ionic3 pull-up load more stutters when running on ios
some people know why they have reached the bottom on iOS, but do not get the data immediately. When a pull-up loaded picture appears, it must be moved again to appear, but debugging on the web page is normal.

WKWebView UIWebView appconfig.xmlplugin
node 8.11.1

< engine name= "browser" spec= "^ 4.1.0" / >

<plugin name="com.synconset.imagepicker" spec="^2.1.10">
    <variable name="" value="" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-camera" spec="^2.4.1">
    <variable name="CAMERA_USAGE_DESCRIPTION" value=" " />
    <variable name="PHOTOLIBRARY_USAGE_DESCRIPTION" value=" " />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-googleplus" spec="^5.1.1">
    <variable name="" value="" />

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-ionic-webview" spec="^1.2.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-decimal-keyboard" spec="^1.0.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" spec="^5.4.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="^2.0.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="^1.3.3" />
<plugin name="ionic-plugin-keyboard" spec="^2.2.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-facebook4" spec="^2.1.0">
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-app-version" spec="^0.1.9" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-stripe" spec="^1.5.3" />
<plugin name="phonegap-plugin-push" spec="^2.2.2">
    <variable name="xxx" value="xxx" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-market" spec="^1.2.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" spec="^3.0.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" spec="~5.0.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-file" spec="^5.0.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-file-transfer" spec="^1.7.1" />
<engine name="ios" spec="~4.5.4" />

could you tell me how to solve the drop-down refresh of the landlord? I used the method you said is ineffective, and when I pull up, I will pull out a white layer. Have you ever encountered it?
