How to share data among multiple html pages in a traditional multi-page project? (multiple pages involve cross-domain)

  1. how do you share data among multiple html pages in a traditional multi-page project? (multiple pages involve cross-domain)

this kind of problem does not need to think about must be done by the back end, which is saved and distributed as the top level of your application. Cross-domain not cross-domain, multi-page spa can achieve your needs. The data to be shared is placed on the server.

forget about jsonp cross-domain local storage at the front end. On the contrary, it is difficult to maintain.

Cross-domain data sharing?

is implemented through the background interface, and a single api is used to transfer data between different pages


html5 postMessage

background storage or the front end uses LocalStorage

to cross-domain and share data, so you might as well open an API to implement it.
