Element change problem

< el-dialog: title= "type=="role"? "set roles": "set permissions"": visible.sync= "grantShow": width= "dialogWidth" >
< el-form: model= "user": rules= "$rules.user" ref= "userForm" >
< el-form-item: label= "$t ("pages.user.app")": label-width= "formLabelWidth" prop= "appId" >

    <el-select v-model="user.appId" placeholder="" @change="getValue()">
        v-for="item in applications"

< template >

<el-transfer v-model="selected" :data="options" :titles="["", ""]" filterable></el-transfer>

< / template >
< div slot= "footer" class= "dialog-footer" >

<el-button @click="grantShow = false"> </el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="grant"> </el-button>

< / div >
< / el-dialog >

the effect is
I select any item in the drop-down list in the application to send the application"s id and user id to the background
the selection is displayed in the following two columns after the request is successful

the effect of writing for the first time I don"t know how to write change events. If you know anything, please give me some advice online. Thank you


change event sends a request to the background, then obtains the data, and assigns the obtained data to the corresponding value of the transfer.
