how do I choose to use it?
how do I choose to use it?
Jedis is a client officially recommended by Redis for operating Redis for Java, while RedisTemplate is a high encapsulation of JedisApi in SpringDataRedis.
SpringDataRedis can easily replace the Java client of Redis compared to Jedis. It has more features of automatically managing connection pooling than Jedis, and is convenient to use with other Spring frameworks, such as: SpringCache
RedisTemplate is a template that uses redis in spring-data-redis.
JedisConnectionFactory is a factory class where spring-data-redis uses redis through jedis.
that is, spring is obtained by using redis through RedisTemplate and by jedis.
Jedis is an official encapsulation framework for Java operation redis-api by Redis.
redistemplate is the spring framework's encapsulation of jedis and lettuce. So that the spring framework system can be more convenient to access the functions of redis.
redistemplate supports jedis and lettuce
A lot of code that you don t like, turn it off. ...
the lua script is simple: local current = GET , KEYS[2]) if current == ARGV[2] then SET , KEYS[1], ARGV[1]) return true end return false here is the java code: public static void main(String[] args) { ...
redis: database: 4 host: localhost password: port: 6379 jedis: pool: max-idle: 8 min-idle: 0 max-active: 200 max-wait: { seconds: 10, nanos:0 } timeout: { seconds...
1. I want to query according to the condition, just like the sql statement select * from user where sex= ; how can 2.redis be implemented? ps: uses redis, for the first time today and asks the boss to inform ...
if both SessionID and Token are stored in redis so that multiple servers can share , does that make any difference? about whether there is a state or not and whether restful they all need to save information on the server, I think it is stateful Why...
RedisTemplate has been configured @Bean public RedisTemplate redisTemplateInit() { Key redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); Value redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer()); ...
Why does the multi of Redis not package the command to the redis server as pipeline does, but instead send a package with one command? ...
public <HK, HV> HashOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForHash() { return new DefaultHashOperations(this); } A new DefaultHashOperations is generated every time I use opsForHash () if only one DefaultHashOperations is generated in a R...
what is the difference between the blocking message queue implemented with jedis s BRPOP and BLPOP and the publish subscribe system implemented using jedis s subscribe and publish , and how to choose? ...