On the problem of multiple console output per routes page of zuiideal open source project ant admin


each field output of the first console is empty, the second console will return the data of the first dispatch request, and the third time will return the data of two dispatch, but the network of the console only shows that the request has been made once. why? Hope to know the answer, thank you!


dispatch and network are not necessarily related. I can see that your console.log is in render, so every time this component render (including mounting and updating) is console.
I boldly guess that your accountHisData is the data returned by this network, so except that this field has been console once from scratch (or console (render), once when render), is mounted), it is all because other state or props of this component has been updated, resulting in render.
if you don't need so many updata, you can handle it in the shouldComponentUpdate cycle
