The laravel-admin installation follows the official documentation step by step and reports an error in the php artisan admin:install command.

Laravel Version: 5.5
PHP Version:7.0
Laravel-admin: 1.5.*

follow the official documentation step by step when installing laravel-admin.
in the php artisan admin:install command, prompt me
There are no commands defined in the "admin" namespace.
for some reason, Baidu searched but didn"t find the same problem. Ask for great guidance
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Steps To Reproduce:
first step: composer require encore/laravel-admin" 1.5.* "correct
second step: php artisan vendor:publish-provider=" EncoreAdminAdminServiceProvider "correct Publishing complete.
third step: php artisan admin:install error prompt There are no commands defined in the" admin "namespace.


have you solved the problem you encountered?

because the database is not connected properly, please check the configuration

  1. configure .env file, configure database and user and password information
  2. run the command php artisan list,. If admin is not found, rerun the previous two commands.

add this sentence after executing

php artisan vendor:publish-- provider=" EncoreAdminAdminServiceProvider "to see that the admin.php file under config will be generated after this command is executed.
